Living with Jesus, by David C. Cook III  New!ing 

A narrative account of a personal journey with Jesus in the Holy Land. 


Updated 8/15/01

Book 1 - Jesus Lives, by David C. Cook III 

A meeting with John the Baptist and with Jesus when Jesus comes for Baptism. Emphasis is placed upon the living Presence of Christ governing our daily activities as we place our trust in Him.

Following Jesus (Devotional)

Praying with Jesus (Devotional

Book 2 - Jesus Loves, by David C. Cook III  New!

The power of Christian love is portrayed in this imaginary pilgrimage to the Holy Land.   An imaginary story about the magical power of Christian love.

Following Jesus (Devotional)

Praying with Jesus (Devotional

Book 3 - Jesus Purifies, by David C. Cook III  New!

There is a healing touch in this adventure with Jesus when He lived on earth centuries ago.

Following Jesus (Devotional)

Praying with Jesus (Devotional