Grown Child of God
In the Beginning
Genesis Visions
A Vision of Love
Jesus Calls
Child of God
104 Psalm
Living Temple
Moonlight Night
Thank You Lord
Growing in Christ
Humbled...  Aware
I Am
A Gift for You
God's Army
Reaction Action
Casting of Pearls
The Lesson
Mirror of the Soul
The Chosen One
Pray for our Nation
A Mom
The Big-Eyes
On Prayer
The Seed Sower
Growing in Christ
The Passing of Time
Day After Christmas, by Jenny Wren
Being Thankful
The Foolishness of God
God Talking to Noah
Child of God
Jenny Wren
Talk to Me!


The Seed Sower         ....Jenny Wren

The Seed Sower

the 'tallest person' one will ever see,
standing tall as in prayer on bended knee,
while Humbling Him/herself to Her/his Lord
wish to live together in one sweet accord'

why would anyone dare to judge one another
belittling your sister, or your brother
He knows every heart yes, from where it came
He looks, He sees, ahh, He knows 'your' name

The Battle you have is yours no longer to do
God cares for His own and what they go thru'
He knows when one of the little sparrow falls
He will not be mocked, with silly 'cat-calls'

Watch the words, deeds, in all you say and do
All answers to God, seeing His Children thru'
Now this warning, it was heeded by me, long ago
now I plant His seeds, they're worthy to grow..

by inspiration
Jenny Wren
© Copyright 2003 jennywren


....Jenny Wren


© Copyright 2003 jennywren




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In the Beginning-for kids

Painting of Jesus by Jenny Wren

Jenny Wren

My editor was forever saying, "I believe it because a little bird told me, It was a Jenny wren."

Write me for a sample of my fiction.

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