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Day After Christmas, by Jenny Wren
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The Day After Christmas         ....Jenny Wren

Posted by Jenny wren on December 26, 2003, 2:07 pm

'Twas the day after Christmas and all through the house
Not one symbol was standing no carol could we arouse
The stockings are no more on the mantle with care
Cause we've no children with old Santa Caus to share
The tree that was trimmed all a flicker with it's lights
Is put away in its box (after one heck of a big fight)
Red apple-balls that had hung on the curtain with ease
Now lay in their own box (there are so many of these)

Our own big Christmas town, two new buildings gain
A church a mansion in 'cedar chest town' now reign
AnAngel and so many cards are on the Organ no more
All have been packed away beneath the stairs to store

A curtain tree door panel now so empty and so bare
no tall glowing white tree graces the glass door there
The mantle is now empty of scarf, candles and holly
The farm scene stands alone it's not funny Ms. Golly

Flickering manger scene now has new plug-ins galore
Where John Benton puts receptacles to plug in more
Lights on the dish hutch, are taken down stored away
The peppermints are back in the candy jar this day..

The Santa Claus collection I've never seen so many
I bothered not to count. He is everywhere, and any
Grand Pa and Mrs. Claus ceramic bird tree glows
Now Put away for next time as each of us knows

Clock chiming once more in pretty Christmas song
is taken off of the wall and ; 'poof ' now it is gone
All the thin Christmas books gracing a coffee table
(yes Granny read aloud as long as she was able)

The last story of the angels was so poorly written
great granny was fuming ,where she was a sitting
"such Poor lousy writing, comes from writers today,
Who publishes this garbage,? ( not Ideal,? you say)

Something sure has to give ," (Jenny Wren fuming still)
"What happened to good writers? We will revolt ,we will"
"They took Jesus out, and to day is 'His' BIRTH day"
Gather writers of the world, write on, we'll have our say"

Come on over to writing.com; post your story or play
Enough is enough of poor writing, ban together today"
Granny sits now at the table with her giant coffee-cup
So glad 'buying'is over now put the decorations up

But alas! It is not all over; a Memory is tucked away
To be thought on tomorrow in memory cushion it lay
Lou did not store Jesus away, along with all of the rest
He's alive, doing well at the 'House of Grand' He blest

I know Helen and Ricky are now downstairs in mind
They're undoing decorations, that each of them will find
Upstairs Lou looks all about searches for some more
for the one illusive object, that she forgot to store
Pray your Christmas was merry and Bright
and that Jesus Christ was its only light

....Jenny Wren


© Copyright 2003 jennywren




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Jenny Wren

My editor was forever saying, "I believe it because a little bird told me, It was a Jenny wren."

Write me for a sample of my fiction.

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