

By Louise Lewis


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Going to sleep expecting to have sweet dreams

Yet toss and turn every night it seems

Think of the blankness of bare, white walls

Yet thoughts pound into my mind and call

Out to me in the dark, lonely night

With all of their effervescent lights

While I try my best to shut them down

Those cogitations in which I drown

Oh how continually but futilely I’ve fought

All of the things that those beasts have wrought

To pray for oblivion for just a short time

Until it is time to rise and shine

To the fiery color of that glorious sunrise

To the chirp of the birds and to their cries

Yet even with that beauty, the ritual begins

The ritual of the daily committing of sins

That occurs for each and every one of us

Which we judge to be so very tempestuous

And once again when the darkness falls

Think of the blankness of bare, white walls