Living with Jesus: Proposal

By David C. Cook III

Copyright 2000 Bruce L. Cook

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    This manuscript is a narrative account of a personal journey with Jesus in the Holy Land.  The author is depicted as a pilgrim in search of spiritual recovery. He transcends time and space to experience adventures with Jesus that are related in the gospels.  An endeavor is made to be true to scripture even though much of the story element is fictional.  The reader is led to feel that he is personally participating as a follower of Jesus.

    Each narrative is followed by two devotional messages entitled, "Following Jesus" and "Praying with Jesus." These devotionals lead the reader to apply the teachings of Jesus to their own lives in a spiritual way. This is a devotional book which leads the readers to experience the Presence of Christ in differing situations demonstrating His Love and Teachings in their daily affairs.  This manuscript is written primarily for an adult Christian audience. However, the narratives are presented in a popular manner with family appeal.  The devotions are largely expressed in lay terminology, understandable by both young people and adults.  An endeavor is made to avoid religious cliches wherever possible.  This manuscript specifically applies to the "Spiritual Pilgrimage" category of general titles for books.

Subsequent pieces in this book necessarily will be written gradually since considerable research is required.

Four experiences with Jesus are included with this mockup.

These experiences are selected from various portions of the Bible and are not written in succession,

1.            JESUS LIVES

      A meeting with john the Baptist and with Jesus when Jesus comes for Baptism. Emphasis is placed upon the living Presence of Christ governing our daily activities as we place our trust in Him.


Congregation in Nazareth threatens to push Jesus over a cliff.  This piece conveys the power of Christian love to enrich our relationship with others as well as with ourselves,


The healing of a leper in a city of Galilee.  Since the healing of leprosy was considered to be a process of cleansing by the Jews, some emphasis is placed upon purification in this piece.


Story of the adulteress brought to Jesus for judgment.  Jesus understands all and forgives all as we experience His redeeming grace and His compassionate love.

      A running thread of story element will weave through these pieces as they are drawn together in interceding chapters.  A lingering companionship with Simon Peter will be a unifying factor. 

Go to Preface

Go to Book One - Jesus Lives

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